Hardware ⚙️
For my experiments, research, and teaching activities, I rely on Kali Linux OS as my primary platform. To ensure versatility, I maintain multiple copies and versions of Kali Linux, each tailored to run different software for various types of attacks. Additionally, to validate my scripts and test payloads effectively, I operate multiple Windows machines within virtualized environments, utilizing VMware or VirtualBox.


Expanding beyond Kali Linux, I integrate Whonix and Tails into my testing arsenal. Tails, in particular, is installed on a high-capacity 128GB USB drive, with a partition space allocated for persistent storage. This setup enhances privacy and security while affording me the flexibility to conduct a wide range of experiments and assessments across different operating systems and environments.


My personal lab is equipped with some specialized hardware tailored for comprehensive security testing, covering OS, WiFi networks, and diverse attack vectors. From evaluating OS resilience to simulating phishing campaigns and conducting Man-in-the-Middle attacks, I leverage cutting-edge tools to ensure robust defense strategies.