Hey there 👋
Here's who I am & what I do
I am Giuseppe Cascavilla, an always young, and IT passionate. I got my first IBM PC around the age of 10yo. The monitor was monochrome and I was using thin floppy disk (5.25 inch floppy disk). However, my dad understood that the IBM PC was too old ages and decided to move to an amazing i486 Intel PC a 40MHz CPU clock, 4MB of RAM, 512 MB hard drive, VGA video card, and equipped with DOS operating system... basically a dream for a young boy, like me, in those years. I had the possibility to play Prince of Persia, Doom 1, and Duke Nukem. Then Windows95 on 10 floppy disks came... BOOM... internet, 3D games, Napster, MP3, and the old modem sound!!! Basically, that's more or less how everything started.


Nowadays, my interests have taken a turn to the dark side of the internet – think dark web, shady transactions, and all sorts of illegal goodies. I'm like a digital Indiana Jones, but instead of ancient relics, I'm uncovering secrets of cybersecurity. Always curious and ever-studious, I'm on a quest to outsmart the cyber baddies and maybe pick up some cool hacker tricks along the way.


Passwords are like underwear: don't let people see it, change it very often, and you shouldn't share it with strangers.