Profile 📝
The complete CV is available HERE.
Job Position
Tenured - Assitant Professor
[2022] to [NOW] at [TU/e - JADS], [Netherlands]
Tenure Track
[2020] to [2022] at [TU/e - JADS], [Netherlands]
PostDoctoral fellow
[2018] to [2020] at [TU/e - JADS], [Netherlands]
[2014] to [2017] at [Sapienza - Universitá di Roma], [Italy]
Master Degree (Double Degree Program)
[2010] to [2014] at [VU University of Amsterdam], [Netherlands]
Master Degree (Double Degree Program)
[2010] to [2014] at [Universitá degli studi di L'Aquila], [Italy]
Data Forensics
[2020] to [NOW] at [TU/e - JADS], [Netherlands]
[2019] to [NOW] at [TU/e - JAD], [Netherlands]
NoSQL for Professionl Education
[2019] at [TU/e - JAD], [Netherlands]
Machine Learning course introduction for PDEng
[2019] to [2019] at [TU/e University of Eindhoven], [Netherlands]
[2014] to [2014] at [University of Padua], [Italy]
Invited Speaker
Cyber Threat Intelligence: Approaches and Methods
[June 26th, 2024] Conference SummerSoc - Service Oriented Computing. [Creete], [Greece]
Workshop - AI for society
[June 30th 2022] Data Week 2022. [Tilburg], [Netherlands]
The Dark Side of W.W.W.
[October 28th 2020] Data Week 2020. ['s-Hertogenbosch], [Netherlands]
Nuovi spazi per i cittadini globali: una riflessione interdisciplinare sull'ambiente fisico e virtuale che ci circonda
[May 31st 2018] Festival dello Sviluppo Sostenibile. [Padova], [Italy]
Gli spazi del diritto: verso le nuove frontiere del giuridico
[May 9th 2018] University of Padova - Department of Law. [Padova], [Italy]
Data Security: come difendersi dai rischi che possiamo correre in rete?
[Oct 19-22 2017] DIGITALmeet. [Padova], [Italy]
- Kali Linus OS: metasploit, wifiphisher, aircrack-ng, hashcat, wireshark, ettercap, veil
- Programming Languages: Python, R, SQL, Java
- Web Page Design: PHP, HTML, CSS, JavaScript
- Content Management System: WordPress, Drupal, Joomla.
- Operating Systems: Windows, Linux, Mac OSX.
- Software: Gephi, Gnuplot, Microsoft Office Suite, Video and Audio editing Suite, Adobe Suite
- ML - AI framework: Basic Algos, Tensorflow, PyTorch