I'm Giuseppe Cascavilla
Assistant Professor and Cybersecurity expert
I am Assistant Professor at the Jheronimus Academy of Data Science, a collaboration between Tilburg University and Eindhoven Technical University.


In 2018 I received a Ph.D. from Sapienza - Universitá di Roma advised by Prof. Luigi Vincenzo Mancini and Co-supervised by Prof. Mauro Conti from the University of Padova with a thesis entitled Privacy issues in Online Social Networks.


At JADS, I teach the courses of Data Forensics and Cybersecurity. The former aims to explore the hidden side of the web and find approaches to fight cybercrime. At the same time, the latter is meant to understand and practice attacks and defense techniques to contain criminal activities like malware, phishing, and man-in-the-middle attacks. My research interests lie mainly in monitoring cybercriminal activities surface-deep-dark web, cyber threat intelligence, protection of cyber-physical spaces, Natural Language Processing in the context of cybersecurity, user profiling from social media activities, and reidentifying personal emotions.
I am an active contributor and researcher in many EU FP7 and H2020 projects, such as the ANITA project focusing on evolutionary and collaborative software technology for digital and cybercrime- fighting, PRoTECT to strengthen local authorities' capabilities in Public Protection, VISOR project for smart event safety, CRIMSON for the protection of Rotterdam Harbor, Marit-D, and more.


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