Insights in drugs on the Cocorico Marketplace, including categories, products and sellers.
For this project we analyzed data we gathered from the Cocorico Marketplace that can be found on the Dark Web. The goal of this project is to provide insights in the drugs that are being sold on the marketplace and to provide a better understanding of drug sales on the Dark Web. We hope to find patterns in the data that can help Law Enforcement Agencies (LEAs) in their fight against drug trafficking.
Learn more about the projectAs you can see, Cannabis is the largest category, followed by ecstacy and stimulants.
Number of products:
416 products
Average price:
Average rating:
4.14 stars
Average availability:
3844 items
Average number of views:
Number of sellers:
26 sellers
The products' ratings did not change in the period we crawled the data. All products had a rating of 4 or 5 stars, with 86% of the products having a 4-star rating.
The product prices did not change in the period we crawled the data. The following figures show the distribution of the prices. The different products all sell in different amounts, which is not taken into account in these plots.
As mentioned in the statistics section, the average price is approximately €200. The histogram shows that the distribution in prices is skewed to the right, with 9 products having a price above €1000. The median price is actually only €90, and the histogram bin with the most values in it ranges from €0-100, €40-60 and €70-80 depending on what plot you look at. Generally, most prices fall below €100, with more expensive products going towards €400-500 and extreme cases being higher than €1000.
The following figures show how the views increase over time. The subset is a selection of products with a large variance of views. The products with the highest and lowest amounts of views are included, as well as a set inbetween.
Generally, the number of views increases, as each day new views are added to the previous total. There is a remarkable spike on April 18th, for some of the products. This could be due to a processing error, as it is unlikely that views go back down. The views per category plot shows that this does happen more often, which is odd.
The following plots show the difference in the amount of views compared to the previous crawled date. Note that this is not always a one-day difference, as the data was not successfully crawled every day. The subset of products is the same subset as above.
The following figure shows how the total availability changes over time. It can be seen that some of the changes are very large, which could indicate certain moments of big buying waves and stocking moments.
The following visualizations show the total availability per day per category. It is possible to single out products by clicking on the legend, but for ease they have also been grouped into large, medium and small categories. The large category consist of the Cannabis category, which has the highest availability. The medium categories include the Ecstasy, Psychedelics, Stimulants and Tobacco categories, which have a medium high availability. The other categories are grouped as small categories, as they have the lowest availability.
The following visualizations show the difference in availability compared to the previous crawled date. Note that this is not always a one-day difference, as the data was not successfully crawled every day.
In the period we crawled the data, we found 26 different sellers. The following figures show some insights into the different sellers.
The plot shows the amount of products each seller has on the marketplace. The seller with the most products has 109 products (Hellbin), while the sellers with the least amount of products have only 1 product (DolceGusto and Projeccao). The average amount of products per seller is 16, but this is heavily skewed by Hellbin.
The plot shows the amount of products each seller has in each category. The most common category is Cannabis, which 22 of the sellers trade in. Other popular categories are Stimulants and Ecstasy, in which 7 and 6 sellers are active. The least common category is Benzos, in which only Hellbin sells products. The other categories are sold by 2 to 5 sellers.
Here we can see the amount of views each seller has on the marketplace. Remarkebly, Hellbin, who has sells the most products, is only the 13th most viewed seller. The seller with the most views is DolceGusto, who only sells one product: Casey Jones Indoor for €5 per gram, in the Cannabis category. LePetitPrince and RevenantChild also have a high amount of views. The seller with the lowest number of views is Grenouillebleu, who sells 4 products in the Cannabis category.